History of company:

History of company:

* 1990 Creation of Mashhad Davam Co. by Mr. Jafar Ghahraman. The activity began with the

production of Cas Water heater.

* 1992 Extension of the range of products with the manufacturing of space Heaters, Water

heater and Evaporative air conditioner.

* 1998 The company products are received national standard by Institute of standards and

Industrial Research of Iran (lSlRI).

* 2000 The company strengthened its range of gas space heaters.

- 2003 The company is accredited lSo 9001-2000 by an English company ACS registrar'

* 2003 The company has received CE mark lor all products by CERTICAZ fiom France and is

proud to be one of the first manufacturer which produce chimney gas heater in the Middle

East, receives permission to enter their products into Europe.

* 2004 to 2006 fle company is selected as an outstanding unit by ISIRI and highest rank of

optimizing fuel consumption of gas products in lran.

x 2007 The company is accredited ISO 1400l-2004 by an English company ACS registrar'

,.2008 The company has received eminent entrepreneur awards.

- 2009-2010 The company is selected as the national role model by lSlRI.